The OLSAT Study Package is designed to give each student everything they will need to achieve their highest potential on the exam, including 2 full-length practice tests and a bubble sheet answer form.
The Level A practice test is for Grade Kw. Each book includes:
Level A is the OLSAT version of the test given to children in Grade K. Each practice test is in the same format as the actual exam. Each book contains a two full-length practice test with 9 cognitive test areas.
The object of these practice tests are to familiarize your child with the questions they will face on test day, how the tests are formatted, the symbols used and the number of questions in each test area. However, since this practice test has not been standardized with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and the actual OLSAT test, a valid OLSAT test score cannot be concluded from their results on these practice tests.
Buy nowq OLSAT® is a trademark of Houghton Mifflin Company. Houghton Mifflin Company was not involved in the production of, nor endorses, this practice test.
w Grades listed are based on the exam publisher's recommendations. Please check with your school as we cannot guarantee what level your child will be given.